Suzan Hourieh Lindberg


CEO & Co-Founder

Profitable Creativity

Scen: D-Studio
Innovation for Impact
12:50-13:00 - 9 mars
Gå till D-Studio
Lägg till i kalender2023-03-09 12:50:002023-03-09 13:00:00Europe/StockholmProfitable CreativityPerspetivo - Suzan Hourieh LindbergInnovation for ImpactSvensk Digital Handelnoreply@dhandel.seevent

Suzan Hourieh Lindberg

Suzan Hourieh Lindberg is CEO and co-founder Perspetivo, the most representative panel in the Nordics – a first-of-its-kind panel and database, providing a deep understanding of all parts of society, including minorities and generally underrepresented groups.

She is also the co-founder of The social Few, a data and insightdriven growth partner with a purpose of creating more inclusive and equal societies. With a background of statistics, communications, business development and tech, Suzan is determined to spread data informed knowledge in order to create awareness and solutions to market and societal imperfections based on lack of diversity in perspectives. With that, she has developed methods such as inclusive infrastructure and perspective density measurement


Suzan Hourieh Lindberg


CEO & Co-Founder

Insiktsdriven inkludering och hög perspektivtäthet - nyckeln till tillväxt och uthållig lönsamhet

Scen: Kongresshallen
Innovation for Impact
16:15-17:00 - 8 mars
Gå till Kongresshallen
Lägg till i kalender2023-03-08 16:15:002023-03-08 17:00:00Europe/StockholmInsiktsdriven inkludering och hög perspektivtäthet - nyckeln till tillväxt och uthållig lönsamhetPerspetivo - Suzan Hourieh LindbergInnovation for ImpactSvensk Digital Handelnoreply@dhandel.seevent

Insiktsdriven inkludering och hög perspektivtäthet – nyckeln till tillväxt och uthållig lönsamhet

En framgångsfaktor för att nå ökad kreativ, starkare innovationskraft, större lönsamhet och ökad kundkännedom är att du har hög perspektivtäthet. Det når du genom att ha fler perspektiv i rum där beslut fattas. I den omställning som handeln nu går igenom – med stora möjligheter men också omfattande utmaningar – måste vi aktivt premiera en ökad perspektivtäthet uppåt i bolagen för att tillgodogöra sig all den kompetens som finns tillgänglig på marknaden. Hur gör man det?

Samtalet leds av Svensk Handels Malin Winbom och Per Ljungberg.

Suzan Hourieh Lindberg

Suzan Hourieh Lindberg is CEO and co-founder Perspetivo, the most representative panel in the Nordics – a first-of-its-kind panel and database, providing a deep understanding of all parts of society, including minorities and generally underrepresented groups.

She is also the co-founder of The social Few, a data and insightdriven growth partner with a purpose of creating more inclusive and equal societies. With a background of statistics, communications, business development and tech, Suzan is determined to spread data informed knowledge in order to create awareness and solutions to market and societal imperfections based on lack of diversity in perspectives. With that, she has developed methods such as inclusive infrastructure and perspective density measurement


D-Congress 2024


Innovation for Impact



March 6 and 7

4.950 SEK


March 7

3.950 SEK


March 6 and 7

8.450 SEK


March 7

7.450 SEK


All prices are exclusive of VAT

  • MARCH 6
  • Access to all seminars
  • Afternoon fika
  • Mingle and bar in SH-Lounge
  • MARCH 7
  • Access to all seminars
  • Access to the exhibition and business partners
  • Book meetings with other participants
  • Morning fika
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon fika
  • After work